Getting Your Tiny House Inspected
Do you ever have those moments when your mouth works before your brain? I had one of those moments on Facebook today. Since starting this blog back up on a more regular basis I have been focused more on writing about topics that interest people or speak to topics...

COVID-19 Puts A Stop To The Tiny House World
In early spring of 2019 I was contacted by the Outer Banks Chamber of Commerce to help with - née, be a consultant - for their first-ever Tiny Home Festival. Because of the 2017 TinyHouseNC Street Festival, the 2018 TinyHouseNC Street Festival, my stint as a co-host...

Carolina Spotlight: Perch & Nest – A Tiny House Farm
Nestled on a farm in the Piedmont Region of North Carolina sits a 19th-century farmhouse, a traditional and picturesque barn, and multiple tiny houses including three of the most popular tiny house Airbnb rentals on the East Coast. The farm purveyors - Tom and Johanna...

What Ever Happened With The Tiny Blue Devil
For those of you who also follow Tiny r(E)volution online (or Facebook or Instagram) you may remember a joint project between Tiny r(E)v and South Lenoir High School in Deep Run, NC. With plans donated by the Tumbleweed Tiny House Company, the Tiny Blue Devil tiny...

How To Host Your Own Tiny House Festival
Nearly three years ago I had a vision for North Carolina. I knew that the modern tiny house movement was rapidly taking shape and enthusiasts were emerging from everywhere. At the same time, I knew that several people and organizations had already secured a spot as...

Reflections On Reflecting: Five Things Tiny Life Is Teaching Me
I started jotting down an outline for this post three weeks ago about how my outlook on basic things has changed since going tiny. Traveling back to our old house in Virginia for our final clean out changed my perspective…again. The first few minutes back in the old...