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Following the 2017 TinyHouseNC Street Festival, Carolina Country magazine wrote an article on a few tiny housers in the great state of North Carolina. Written by Leah Chester-Davis, the article profiles Wishbone Tiny Homes in Asheville, NC, Laura LaVoie of Life in 120 Square Feet, Andrew Odom of Tiny r(E)volution, and The Village of Wildflowers near Flat Rock, NC.

“A smaller house means a larger life” seems to be the philosophy of tiny house owners. Tiny houses, typically anywhere from 100 to 400 square feet, have taken off in terms of popularity and alternative housing options.

“People are drawn to tiny homes because they want happiness in their lives,” says Teal Brown, who with his dad, Gerry Brown, own Wishbone Tiny Homes in Asheville, which specializes in portable, Craftsman-style homes ranging from 150 to 250 square feet.

“Typically, that manifests in the form of financial freedom and additional free time. Many people have become disillusioned by a consumer-driven lifestyle and have instead turned their focus to experiential-based living.”

Read the full article in Carolina Country magazine…